Join JRI-Poland’s new Book Club for a discussion with the author, Daniel Mendelsohn!
There’s still plenty of time to read “The Lost: A Search for Six of the Six Million”, the story of Mendelsohn’s amazing search for information about his great-uncle Samuel (Shmiel) Jäger.
The Lost has won the National Jewish Book Award, the National Book Critics Circle Award in the United States and the Prix Medicis in France. Mendelsohn teaches Literature at Bard College and is Editor-at-Large of the New York Review of Books.
JRI-Poland Book Club Meetings are open to JRI-Poland members only. A JRI-Poland member is someone who donates $54 annually for that specific purpose. It is not a part of a donation to a town specific project. To become a JRI-Poland member or to check your membership status, log into the website, hover over the HELLO blurb at the top of any of our website’s pages, and you will see a drop down menu. Choose the MY PROFILE option to update your membership.
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