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the latest tips and advice from the JRI-Poland volunteer team to keep you in the loop
who we are
As volunteers, we are dedicated to the preservation and sharing of surviving Jewish records. We maintain and continue to grow a comprehensive online database of surviving records to preserve and share their contents with the global Jewish community tracing their family roots in Poland.
JRI-Poland is an independent non-profit tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
our researchers say
From thinking myself a solitary leaf fluttering in the wind, I’m now picturing roots. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
- Dahlia R.
JRI-Poland is such an amazing resource (almost taken for granted by young people like me). It takes time to reflect and appreciate the extensive groundwork required to build such a database).
- Zach
I am most grateful to JRI-Poland and its directors. I never would have been able to do even a quarter of my research without it!
- Margaret P., researching Plock Area
A bit of a long story but none of this could have happened without JRI-POLAND. There’s no way I could have connected the dots without the records to reconstruct the family. The American family knew nothing of the Polish family and the survivor sisters knew nothing of the American family. Thank you hardly seems sufficient.
- Sharon, researching Kielce Area
Thank you for building and making available such an exceptional and comprehensive database. We have been able to find a plethora of documents dating back to the 1850s on my childrens' great-great-great-great-grandparents in Poland.
- Justin L., Polish citizenship research
The work that you and JRI-Poland have done bringing to life, both to the living and from the departed members of the Jewish community of Poland, is extraordinary. You have brought an incalculable awareness, understanding and indeed, luster, to a very significant portion of the Jewish world, and we are all in your debt.
- Paul R.
Bless you for the extraordinary work you and JRI-Poland have taken on. I hope you know how much it means to people like myself who have researched for years and are now able to piece together and lend voice to those of our family members who had no voice, and in addition to give ourselves some sort of closure, which eluded us for so many years.
- Suzanne H. C.
These documents give me a strong connection and deep roots to my past. Being second generation they are very healing. Thank you for working so hard in helping us know our legacy.
- Elana Spitzberg
The new Szczuczyn extract is a gold mine. I have already found four people who are vital to my research and whose placement in my family tree answers a host of very old questions that have been causing family history ‘brick walls’ for years. I am so excited by all these new data that I have practically been dancing around my house. Thanks again for all the work that you and your colleagues have been doing at JRI Poland!!
- Valerie E.
JRI-Poland’s work is invaluable. I admire what you have done and continue to do. It would be nice if in Italy there was a search like yours.
- Michela
(...) incredible ancestral information that surpassed my wildest imagination...shared with my extended family... great excitement and satisfaction about finally learning our lineage.
- Steven M.
I have reconstructed much of my family's historical relations as a result of your work JRI-Poland. Many of my cousins who haven't been in touch for decades have been very happily put in contact with each other.
- Steve
Your website has given me hours of pleasure and meaningful discoveries for my children.
- Dr. Joel S.
JRI - Poland is absolutely remarkable.
- Sonia M.
My life is enriched by helping JRI-Poland in the process of getting records accessible to the public. Thank you for all you do!
- Sue G.
Without JRI-Poland, I am nothing
- Tomasz C., long time professional researcher
I can’t be more thankful for what JRI-Poland has been able to provide. I've been able to piece together our family's past more than we ever dreamed.
- Shane L.
What JRI-Poland has created will be a legacy for eternity. Very few impact the lives of so many well beyond their own orbits
- Michael T.
"JRI-Poland has been extremely important to my family research (and for the families of many friends) over the past seven years. It has brought great joy, if not astonishment, to many people."
- Ed F.
"I appreciate enormously all that you have done with JRI-Poland. Where would we all be without JRI-Poland?"
- Fay B.
"My client was shocked (to see the records) and started crying. She spent the night calling and emailing with relatives all over the globe who were also beside themselves with excitement. They will have a family reunion and add their family members to the Yad Vashem database. She was over the moon, unbelievable!"
- Anat S.
"For those of us who grew up without grandparents, aunts and uncles, with parents who lost everyone, it brings tears to my eyes to see (the JRI-Poland data and) that indeed there was a family, though it was impossible for me to ever know them"
- Mirka K.
every record counts
Thanks to the collective efforts of our partners, donors and volunteers, JRI-Poland continues
to build and maintain the world’s largest online database of Jewish vital and other records.