Zamość 1920-22 Cadastral Map – Field Sketch #60

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These maps were found in the Lublin branch of the Polish State Archives and are in the public domain. They can be found on the PSA’s website at: 35/636/0/-/850-861.

ul Żydowska #12 - M FUNT, owner
ul Żydowska #7 - E BRANDWEIN, owner
ul Żydowska #10 - Z EDELSBERG owner
ul Żydowska #6a - STANG, owner
ul Bóżnicza #19 - J TORM, owner
ul Żydowska #9 - Dom Żydowska, owners
ul Żydowska #8 - Ch EDELSBERG
ul Żydowska #8 also - Ch. EDELSBERG
The State Reconstruction Office's Repository (Składnica Państwowego Biura Odbudowy)
Jewish Street (ulicy Żydowska)
ul Żydowska #11 - D TELENGREBER i Ska